Training & Services

Customized Language Training

Customization of Programs, Intensive & Extensive

• all skill levels: novice, intermediate, advanced, superior, near-native
• single or multiskill focus: listening, speaking, reading, writing

All language training programs are customized to the individual client or client – group to the company, the job, the industry or profession, the personal or business project. We are committed to providing you with goal-related functional language skills, for your situation, from the outset of your training program, including at the beginning level — i.e., a maximum skill level relative to your time and financial investment. You’ll learn what you need to know, defined according to your learning style and objectives and our experience and expertise.

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Functional Skills from the Start

Training is structured to cover material relevant to your general and professional language needs. For the beginning level, BLIS has created a base of focussed, “Jump Start” materials, to which materials specific to the individual client or group are added. We work collaboratively with the you to determine program design and content.

Skills emphasis (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in individual or group programs is determined on the basis of needs analysis and evaluation. Regardless of your specific skills concentration and objectives, we stress functional proficiency (what you can do with the language) on a day-to-day basis, continually helping you practice and understand the functional utility of your skills for the actual contexts in which you need them.

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Time-Efficient and Cost-Effective Design

A highly customized program allows you to meet your objectives in less time and therefore, ideally, at less cost than an uncustomized program aimed to meet broad, general needs. In addition to our ability to customize your program, our method of assessing your progress and continually focusing the training on specific components of proficiency contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of your program, keeping your time and financial commitment to a minimum relative to your goals.

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Bilingual, Bicultural and “Biprofessional” Trainers

Our trainers are not only qualified bilingual, bicultural language training professionals with many years’ experience working with business and professional clients, they are also frequently biprofessional, having a second area of expertise (finance, pharmacy, transportation, etc.), which enables them to tailor your program more effectively.

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Flexible Options in Size, Intensity & Location

We work with both individuals and small to mid-sized groups. Often we work on-site at the client location; this keeps to a minimum the time clients spend getting to the training location and also permits us to maximize the link to the client, the business, and the training objectives. Intensity of the training program is also tailored to client availability and objectives. Options for study include various forms of guided self-study incorporating multimedia support, distance or e-learning.

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Realistic Planning: Objectives, Schedules, and Commitments

Objectives are defined and monitored according to national and our own customized guidelines. Scheduling is flexible. We make every attempt to work with your optimal schedule. We also know that a training program must be flexible enough to adjust to priority business, travel and family commitments.

Whether your objectives are best served by intensive, non-intensive or even just occasional training, whether you need to meet long-term objectives or acquire a “survival kit” of skills prior to travel, we want you to be able to make a successful commitment to your training program.

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Definable, Realistic, Trackable Objectives

Specific measurements and evaluations of progress are scheduled at intervals. We work with national proficiency guidelines as well as our own performance criteria adapted for business and the professions to both help you define your objectives at the outset as well as track and measure progress. We will also work with you to determine both performance and operational impact of the training program in your organization, as appropriate. For more information on proficiency and performance standards and assessment, return to our Training & Services page.

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Integral Cross-Cutural Component

No language training program is adequate without an understanding of the culture in which the language is embedded. This knowledge is an integral component of true linguistic proficiency. Your training program will include clarification of the cultural information history, customs, values, attitudes, behaviors necessary to understand how what you say in the language is actually understood in the context of the culture. This is an integral aspect of our day-to-day language training process.

For information on our “stand alone” cross-cultural training and consulting programs, return to our Training & Services page, Intercultural Training section.

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Flexibility in Media and Materials

In addition to our customized materials, we work with a variety of general and specialist materials (instructional and authentic texts,) in print, audio, computer and video media. The optimal materials/media mix is determined on the basis of your learning style and objectives.

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